Sometime later we were back at the opening of the
gorge. It was about 3:00 a.m. as we formed a very large
circle in the sand. I could see the moon slip behind one
of the many clouds that had mysteriously returned. The
early morning sky sent chills through my body.

Rama stood in the center of the circle and said, “Your
experiences were all real, you stepped into the nagual.”

A jolt went through my body as if a lightning bolt had
struck me. When Rama said the nagual, I knew in that
instant what had been in the bushes, clicking! It was the
ally. Carlos Casteneda had heard the same clicking when
the ally approached him. “Oh my God, I almost met the ally.
Maybe I met the ally. I could have been killed out here!”
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Awake In The Dream copyright 1999 Lynne Miller